Web of Science APIs
Web of Science™ data is uniquely selective, based on an independent editorial process combined with over 50 years of essential, accurate and unique curation, resulting in an unparalleled data structure. Every article from every journal has been indexed, creating a comprehensive and complete data network. Web of Science APIs seamlessly integrate the world’s best publication and citation data, giving you flexibility and control of the highest-quality and normalized bibliometric indicators. Power and enrich your institution’s analysis and assessment capabilities. Learn more in the Clarivate Developer Portal.
Web of Science Starter API
The Web of Science™ Starter API allows for a real-time check of bibliographic metadata such as DOI, author, source title, etc., against the Web of Science Core Collection and other Web of Science Product Databases. This enables building article-level links to the Web of Science from external systems and retrieving times-cited counts from the Web of Science.
Web of Science API Expanded
The Web of Science™ API Expanded API supports rich searching across the Web of Science to retrieve full item-level metadata, including times cited counts, contributor addresses/affiliations and funding data. Additional operations support the ability to discover related records as well as cited references and citing items.
Web of Science Journals API
This API provides journal-level metadata and metrics for all journals in the Journal Citation Reports™ covered in the Web of Science Core Collection, including the Journal Impact Factor™ and other new metrics. Integrate journal data into your internal systems or retrieve journal indicators for bibliometrics studies.
Web of Science Reviewer Locator API
Web of Science Reviewer Locator is a full-stack solution to find, screen, and contact expert peer reviewers. This API helps you integrate Web of Science Reviewer Locator with your editorial or grant management system.
InCites Document Level Metrics API
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics™ is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context. This API provides article-level metrics to support integration in Research Management Systems or Current Research Information Systems (CRIS).
EndNote API
This API allows you to create and update information within an EndNote library.